Style Guide of the Journal of Islamic Studies on Human Rights and Democracy (IHRD)
Affiliated with UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy
Shahid Beheshti University
The Style Guide of the Journal of Islamic Studies on Human Rights and Democracy (IHRD) aims to provide a guide to writing and formatting papers/reviews written by researchers with a background in relevant fields including Islamic law, comparative law, international human rights law and humanitarian law. The main objective of IHRD in setting this style guide to be followed by authors is to provide a comprehensive writing guide for all researchers interested in sharing/publishing their research by IHRD that prefers quality to quantity.
We cordially invite all researches and scholars to submit their papers that are focused on the answers to the challenges of today related to the scope of IHRD.
All research papers will be considered for publication if it contains constructive criticism or new research outcomes in the relevant fields including Islamic law, comparative law, international human rights law and humanitarian law.
Sections of the Paper
I. Title of the Article: The title should be centered at the top of page 1. (In 14-pt. Bold, non-Italic, easily readable (e.g., Times New Roman)
II. Full Name of author(s): Names should be centered below the title. When more than one author, the names are to be separated by commas. (In 11-pt., bold, non-Italic, easily readable, e.g. Times New Roman). In papers with two or more authors, the corresponding author(s) must be expressed).
III. Affiliation of Author(s) (footnote)
IV. Contact Phone Number and E-mail of corresponding author (footnote)
V. Full text of each paper shall consist of 3000 to 5000 words.
VI. Abstract: 250 to 300 words (including 4 to 6 keywords) In 12-pt. Bold, non-Italic, easily readable (e.g., Times New Roman). Same rule applies to the rest of the paper font.
An abstract should summarize in two paragraphs, the major aspects of the entire paper including: the main question(s) of the research paper, the experimental design and methods used for research, the major findings including key quantitative results, also a brief summary of author(s)’ interpretations and conclusions.
Abstract should not contain the followings:
The abstract shall not contain:
- Lengthy background,
- Redundant phrases, such as unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, also repetitive information;
- Acronyms or abbreviations,
- References to other literature
- Using incomplete sentences,
- Non-scientific terms that may be confusing to the reader,
- Citations to other works, and also any sort of image, figure, or table, or references to them.
VII. Introduction: This part states the purpose of the work in the form of the hypothesis, question, or problem author(s) researched on; and a brief explanation your scientific view and approach. Introduction part shall be in 1 page, maximum 400 words over 1-4 paragraphs.
VIII. Main Body of Research Paper: This part includes various sections of the research that should follow the succeeding criteria:
- Main Section Headings: Each main section of the research paper should begin with a heading; capitalized, centered at the beginning of the section. Do not underline the section heading. Do not put a colon at the end.
- Each section should be started by English alphabetical order.
- Subsections should be in Italic, bold in Roman numerals.
IX. Results: 2-3 pages of text, figures and tables, not exceeding 1500 words over 4-9 paragraphs; without references.
X. Conclusion: This part includes the author(s) conclusion remarks based on the research done.
XI. References: References should be located on a separate page at the end of the paper and titled: References. It should include the details of all your footnotes, arranged alphabetically A-Z by author surname. Other points to be taken into account in References:
- In footnotes and in the References, the surname comes first i.e. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, Hussein.
- References shall include the full page range of a journal article or book chapter, e.g. pp. 165-217.
- If author(s) have cited more than one work by the same author, these works should be arranged by date with the earliest first. If the dates are the same, please add a lower case letter after the date to differentiate between such works, e.g. 2015a, 2015b.
* IHRD sample References:
Articles: Author(s)’s surname(s) then first name(s), Title of the article, Journal’s full title, No. of issue and Vol, year, page(s)
E-articles: Author(s)’s surname(s) then first name(s), Title of the article, online Journal’s full title, No. of issue and Vol, year, page(s), e-link, last time visited.
Newspaper articles: Author(s)’s surname(s) then first name(s), Title of the newspaper article, source, date including day/month/year in Georgian calendar, e-link, and last time visited.
Single author book: Author’s surname, then first name, Title of the book, edition, Publisher, year of publication, page(s)
Book with no author: book title, publisher, year of publication, page(s)
Book with editor(s): editor(s)’s surname(s) then first name(s), title of the book, publisher year of publication, page(s)
Book with an Organisation as author: Organisation name, title of the book, place of publication, publisher year of publication, page(s)
Book with translator and author: Author(s)’s surname(s), then first name(s), year of original publication, title of the work, Translator(s)’s surname(s), then first name(s), place of publication and Publisher of the translated work.
E-books: Author(s)’s surname(s), then first name(s), Title of the book, Publisher, year of publication, page(s)
Thesis: Author’s surname, then first name, year, title of thesis, level of thesis, university name.
Web document: publisher site, name of the document, year, e-link, last time visited.
General Writing Rules of IHRD:
All sources of information such as quotes or borrowed ideas must be acknowledged in the submitted paper.
- At the bottom of the same page on which the author(s) use quotes or borrowed ideas, arrange the relevant source as described in IHRD sample References. Make sure all the footnotes are numbered.
- Final papers should have 1” margins on all sides.
- The first line of every new paragraph should automatically indent.
- Papers should be written in an academic font: Times New Roman.
- The text of the papers should be left aligned.
- Page Numbers: bottom of page, plain number.
- Document Spacing: The entire paper should be in 1.15-spacing.
- Paragraph Spacing: Papers should have no extra spacing after paragraphs.